Following are the Ten Unchanging Principles of VLFM which the Community follows:
1. To teach is the word of Arrogance: We can only create an innovative learning environment for people to learn to perceive changes and develop an understanding of what might be necessary in future
2.Jump into the fishbowl – Prof Shiba’s principle of learning about the context by immersing in the context itself. It requires going to the environment of the customer and studying the behaviour by immersing in their environment
3. Unlearn Past Success :If in today’s fast changing environment one is trapped by the common sense of the past it may not lead to a breakthrough solution.
4. BIG M Concept: VLFM focuses on mindset change from a production-oriented, i.e. small ”m” mentality to developing a holistic view of manufacturing such as R&D, Product Design, Customers. This is the BIG M concept.
5.Focus on Skill not Knowledge and Understanding : The programme reinforces skill building rather than classroom training alone, by following the 30:70 Principle -- 70 per cent of the programme is focused on hands-on, practical, learning and skill development. Only 30 per cent is centred on classroom inputs and learning.
6. Use Scientific Approach such as FSDP : The Five Step Discovery Process (FSDP), a key tool to create a hypothesis for problem solving.
7. Develop Three Eyes of Buddha :Three eyes of Buddha symbolize the three possible directions of problem solving, each using a scientific approach.
- The first eye is the eye of control: This eye refers to maintaining the set standards and the current situation.
- The second eye is that of incremental improvement: This refers to the approach of making improvements day by day, step by step
- The third eye is the eye of breakthrough: To counteract the decline of the existing business, the company needs to bring a fundamental change to its business and create a breakthrough in business.
8. Do & Demonstrate : Aimed at building skills by practicing and creating success examples. It requires the leader to become role model by taking action rather than instructing
9. Apply snowball concept: Achieve small visible success at the beginning of a transformation project. Then make a detailed plan and focus on one critical point. Further select a focus area for initial success which has highest probability of success
10.Develop Government-Academia- Industry Partnership: This is essential to support long term development of a project. It is a successful win-win relationship.